SLGP Super Supporters wanted
Get ready for the South London Grand Prix, the crown jewel in our calendar of track racing! Join us on Thursday 28 & Friday 29 August at Herne Hill Velodrome for two days of thrilling high-speed action and excitement as we welcome top international track cyclists to London.
We’ve got a new way for everyday people to help elevate grassroots track cycling here in the UK.
photo by: Markovich James
We all love a good home-grown track cycling hero, but some healthy competition doesn’t hurt either. 😉
In the vein of supporting not only local but national and international track cycling, we are proud to offer the chance for you, dear reader, to support an international athlete.
photo by: Mark Kendernay
Amateur sport isn’t known for being well funded, and that’s where us everyday people come in. We (Herne Hill Velodrome) supply the venue, the event, and the logistics, and YOU supply the funding to make it happen.
(It’s not every day you have the opportunity to help bring in up and coming talent from around the world! 🌍)
This year we want to offer bursaries for international cyclists to compete in the crown jewel of our racing calendar: The South London Grand Prix. A racing event with its roots in over a century of heritage deserves international recognition - but it’s going to take a grassroots effort to grow the field of competition.
Enter the Super Supporter!
photo by: Markovich James
A Super Supporter ticket of £250 will see £200 going to an international athlete to be spent on travel and accommodation. The remaining £50 will go towards running the event itself. As you know, Herne Hill Velodrome is a charity, and our bottom line is bottoms on saddles and seats.
In addition to smug warm fuzzies, Super Supporters will also get:
2-day tickets for 2 adults and up to 3 children (under 16), or 4 adults. Babies and dogs are free
1 reserved picnic bench
A digital shoutout in our communications
Shout outs from our commentators on the day
photos by: Markovich James, Honor Elliott, Sajeel Joshi
If you’d like to become a Super Supporter, visit our South London Grand Prix ticketing page.
The more you give, the more budding young athletes we can invite! Perfect for small businesses, cycling clubs, and keen beans to use their resources for diplomacy and friendship.
Cycling brings the world together. Become a Super Supporter today.
n.b. Early Bird tickets go on sale Tuesday 18 March at noon!
photo by: Markovich James