HHV Covid-19 Latest Information for riders and spectators

Updated Tuesday 21st December
With Covid-19 cases surging once again, here’s our latest update for what that means for all activity at HHV:
What Changes
- Face covering recommended on site, please wear one inside
What stays the same
- Rider limits in sessions and races
- You still need to book in advance for training sessions (bookings close 1hr before each session and 4 hours before each race)
- Cafe remains open, takeaway service from hatch as well as inside (please wear a face covering in the queue and while ordering)
- Wear a mask in crowded or enclosed areas
- Be mindful of others and do not clear your nose on the track or otherwise spread germs in this way - use a tissue.
- Wash hands regularly using soap and water, and use the hand sanitiser provided.
- Please take a lateral flow test before coming onsite.
- Do not visit the site if you're showing any covid symptoms or have been told to isolate
- We're a big site, try to avoid big crowds in any area